
Retro Cullen and Jen!

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking at blogs today, and one of the blogs I look at had this website, www.yearbookyourself.com on it. You can put in pictures of yourself, and put them on faces of yearbook pictures through the years! I have been entertaining myself all night while we sit here and watch the Twins. They were too funny not to share!!!! You must check out this website!

1960 - Smartie Cullen
1974 - Hippie Cullen
1988 - Jocko Cullen
1966- Bubbly Jen
1988 - Rockin the 80's look! (My head didn't fit the best in this one, but I like it!)
I think we would've made a sweet 60's couple!
Oh yeah..Avery stood for about 20 seconds tonight all by herself and took about 3 baby steps! We even had friends here that witnessed it. I don't think it will be long and we will have a walker!


Kristie said...

Isn't that site addicting! Love the pics! No sign of chicken pox yet???

The Nesslers said...

Haha...I love the pictures...some of them look so natural:)