
Maybe We'll Sleep In 2009???

Avery will be one in just about 2 1/2 weeks.  I can't believe how fast the year has gone.  This little girl has brought us more joy, happiness, and smiles then we could've ever imagined.  I couldn't imagine loving anyone or anything more.  Everyday I count my blessings, and this sweet girl definitely tops the list.  I guess she feels the same way about us, because apparently she just can't stand to be apart from us for more then about 5 hours or so at a time.  Yes, she is still getting up in the night.  Usually it is just once, but sometimes more.  Needless to say, Cullen and I are starting to look VERY tired.  Yes, we've tried to let her cry, and it works for awhile, or even a few days, but then we are back to square one.  If you wise souls out there have any advice or input, feel free to send it our way.  :)  Oh yeah, today marks our 2 year wedding anniversary!!   Too bad Cullen has conferences tonight and we haven't seen each other all day :(  It is MEA weekend here though, so we get thurs-sun to spend together, so that will be some much needed family time!  I can't wait!