
Avery 6 1/2 months

So the deal when I got my new camera was that I would learn how to use it so Avery didn't have to go back to Target, Sears, etc and deal with that again (It was a stressful experience for us all at 3 months.) Well I still have a ton to learn, we did take our own 6 month pics, but they are actually 6 1/2 month pics and they turned out pretty goot..here are a few of our faves! Next time we need to recruit Daddy's help to make her smile though..she just stares at me with this look like "What is that thing on your face?" So, we have lots of serious pics. Only 5 more days of school and then we can start on the outside pics! She is such a good sport!

Some black and white pics..I think black and white pics are my new fave!
Avery and her best friend the duck
I wanted the bath towel pics with her awesome hoodie towel her great aunt Rachel made her..it is way too cute to use just for bath time!


Anonymous said...

Jen, I love the pics! They turned out great! Avery is getting so big.

Kevin from Minneapolis said...

Those are super-cute.